Likes | |
Rocket | Wildman Extreme |
Launches | 1 |
Flight Status | Success |
Location | Labelle, FL |
Altitude | 10797 ft 3290.93m |
Expected | 10979 ft 3346.40m |
Velocity | 719 MPH 1157.59km/h |
Velocity Exp. | 776 MPH 1249.36km/h |
Gs Actual | 10.8 |
Gs Expected | 12.9 |
Wind Speed | 5.0MPH 8.05km/h NE 45° |
Weight | 13.94lb. 6.32kg |
Stage | Motor |
1 | L1170 |
Wildman Extreme-
2017-02-04 11:06:00ZInsane Rocketry
wm EX labelle 020417.csvDAT
WM EX flt 2.datFile
wm EX labelle 02042017.kmlDescription
This will be 2nd launch of my Wildman EX. Expected to reach mach 1. We shall see!
Update: no mach 1 :( Max velocity = 1055 fps.
MARSA Baro = 10796', accel = 10797', Quark (back-up) = 10667' & TeleGPS = 11070'
Flight was great! Big black plume of smoke from the AT black max :)
A cross wind at 5000' out of the west at about 15 mph. Rocket landed about 0.8 miles ENE of pad in orange grove. Farmer drove Jason & myself to pick it up.
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timcub on 2017-03-19 13:26:01Z wrote:
Got it - thanks!
esotericdude on 2017-03-19 13:32:09Z wrote:
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