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Flight StatusSuccess
LocationSRA, Palm Bay, FL
9df8ad317d5a41acOrg.jpgSRA-monthly NAR Launch 2024-04-20
Altitude4510 ft
Expected5000 ft
Velocity424 MPH
Velocity Exp.416 MPH
Gs Expected6.2
Wind Speed7.0MPH
W 270°
1 K360-13-WHITE HEAT


2024-04-20 22:12:00Z


Likefileicon Stratologger Back Up II Data.pf2 Likefileicon Stratologger Main I Data.pf2


This has been a long time for this rocket. So I will prep this one in the next few days to fly in Palm Bay, Hope the weather will be great also. Will have RTX and GoPro camera in the booster, and the Iphone for video recording in the Avbay. Hopefully this motor will take it to 4K as the last flight. Streamer will be in the booster also. This is a K360 motor just the same as the last flight, I just want to compare the flight data. Iphone will only record video no other data.

Update 10/29/2023 - Loaded the motor in the casing, Triangle cut and grease applied and double O-rings. Motor installed in the rocket.

Update 10/30/2023 - Loaded the 60" main chute in the front bay. Made Z-ties for main and streamer. Installed shear pins in nose cone, these shear pins are the shorter ones that I still had.

Update 10/31/2023 - Installed all the charges in the AvBay and in the booster, put dog barf inside also.

Update 11/07/2023 - Stratologgers tested, all good to go. Also 85 feet streamer folded.

Update 11/08/2023 - Fitted the AvBay, had to sand a bit out because it was too snug. There will be no phone in the Avbay. iPhone not ready for flight. Also the streamer is packed�in tight, have the hock cord wrapped around it so hopefully it deploys.

Update 11/16/2023 - Loaded the car already, and will double check and charge things tomorrow. No Iphone in AvBay.

Update 11/18/2023 - LAUNCH DAY - NO GO - for me, reason: very windy, field was real wet and plenty collage kids !!! Really it was packed !!!! Just went there to pick up my rocket poxy from Tim and the FFFFg from Bernie, also bought a few motors for the next flights. That's all, had fun being there a good workout and fresh air !!!

Update 12/16/2023 - LAUNCH DAY - NO GO again, very very windy and stormy rains in the fore cast all over Florida.

Update 01/20/2024 - LAUNCH DAY - NO GO, little cold. Freddy is getting lazy !!!

Update 02/17/2024 - LAUNCH DAY - NO GO, lots of rain. Next time.

Update 02/24/2024 - LAUNCH DAY - NO GO, don't know why I did not go..... Lazy..

Update 03/16/2024 - LAUNCH DAY - I guess I missed it, maybe I was still in Hawaii. Funeral Francis.

Update 04/19/2024 - Dam the launch is on hold for this day, Some University kids launched or did a static motor test and set the place on fire, 30 fire men were needed to control the fire. They did had NO permission from SRA board to do that so SRA is NOT involved BUT the city wants to review the Insurance AND the permit. SO I hope we can continue there. Tim just comfirmed that the LAUNCH is a GO for this Saturday. Rocket is all packed up, no phone inside, maybe a GoPro in the booster, maybe.

Update 04/20/2024 - LAUNCH DAY - It's going to be a warm day, temps in the 94's and up. Smooth drive, tent was setup fast, great spot near Tom's van. The best spot ever. Bernie was there and Tim. Lots and Lots of collage kids, but not so much flyers. Pads were most empty, Signed up for round #3, But the D pads stayed empty for a long time. Just lots of viewers I guess. Smooth prepping and all fit in nicely. Took rocket to the pad, Florence was taking pictures as always. Stratologgers beeping out. Igniter loaded... Took a while to launch, there was a hold for the hybrid kids and that took a long time, so my inside GoPro camera died and took only 21 minutes of video, if it was not that long I should have a great video, Oh well !!! I guess we will have to deal with the crowds all the time... Rocket took of nicely, swinged a bid to the West, streamer came out and main chute deployed nicely. Recovery was a bit junky, had to walk like 150 feet in the tal grass and inside the dense bush again. Streamer was draped over a low bush inside there, could pull everything out with no damage I guess. Had my boots on, terrain was a bit wet but no standing water there, just dense bush !! No so much of a struggle like the one before were I ripped my T-shirt. After recovery did some more watching and taking pictures, some nice high altitude flights were ging on. Gary did not launch, way to busy with his kids. Nice day, lomg drive and eat in Panda. The GoPro video mounted on the camera still had that plastick cover on, so that's why that video is not that great. Sorry.







