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Flight StatusOther
LocationMacclenny, FL
Altitude98100 ft
Expected81000 ft

Balloon Launch Data File

2017-07-02 10:32:09Z

Insane Rocketry

Likefileicon launch170702_080810_824_2.csv


This is a placeholder for our launch data balloon file. Main data and photos are on Freddy's page.

When viewing the data, keep in mind that the GPS data is VERY precise since it is on a balloon which travels slow. My graphs state it is imprecise because it's expecting a fast moving rocket. On my phone there's just not enough GPS samples per second to make it precise for rockets.



Like 2017-07-02 14:26:08Z

No data?

Like 2017-07-05 17:35:35Z

Too big for my current viewer. I'll update the viewer in a few weeks to hopefully be able to handle it.

Like 2017-07-21 18:35:45Z

Data file is now attached, be warned, it takes awhile to load! You can't view it in google earth yet as it is too large. I'll get more options for export to google earth soon.

You can download it to view in excel, but it will take even longer to load smiley-smile.gif

timcub on 2017-07-02 18:26:08Z wrote:

No data?

Like 2017-07-21 19:18:23Z

Pretty cool to see all that !!! The balloon burst data velocity looks funny ! haha free fall ...

esotericdude on 2017-07-21 22:35:45Z wrote:

Data file is now attached, be warned, it takes awhile to load! You can't view it in google earth yet as it is too large. I'll get more options for export to google earth soon.

You can download it to view in excel, but it will take even longer to load smiley-smile.gif

timcub on 2017-07-02 18:26:08Z wrote:

No data?

