Likes | ||
Rocket | NEXT | |
Launches | 1 | |
Flight Status | Success | |
Location | Port Saint Lucie | |
Event |
| |
Altitude | 5636 ft 1717.85m | |
Expected | 5500 ft 1676.40m | |
Velocity | 574 MPH 924.14km/h | |
Gs Actual | 14.8 | |
Weight | 6.08lb. 2.76kg | |
Stage | Motor | |
1 | J540-R |
Test launch omega
2021-10-09 15:28:18ZInsane Rocketry
launch211009_112505_926.csv raven20211009.csvDescription
Weather in the morning was excellent, but my rocket wasn't prepared as the forecast from previous night showed massive rain.
By the time I launched @11:25AM, the clouds were closing in. We waited about 15 minutes for the sky to clear and allowed all kinds of launches ahead of mine.
Launch was excellent, and recovery was easy in mowed grass.
Both main and backup computers performed nominally, all voltages maintained throughout duration.
Drogue deployed at apogee, main deployed at 700 feet.
While the max acceleration Gs was nice at 14.8, if you look at the Gs graph, you'll notice near motor burnout ~2.3 seconds into flight, the rocket almost instantly moves from 8Gs acceleration to roughly -2.49Gs deceleration.
It was a very nice stress test with the J motor.
This concludes stress testing the electronics, J540 had quite a nice punch and was loud.
It was great seeing all my south Florida friends again. Glad I was able to make it.
13th Launch with Dual Deployment controlled by phone. 10th Launch with phone controlling rocket ignition via 900MHz band.
5th launch using customized arduino ble deployment module.
9th Launch with phone controlling rocket ignition via 900MHz band.
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Yes, that is from 4K video record on the Pixel 4A, I'm impressed.
frewi80 on 2021-10-10 20:28:18Z wrote:
While the max acceleration Gs was nice at 14.8, if you look at the Gs graph, you'll notice near motor burnout ~2.3 seconds into flight, the rocket almost instantly moves from 8Gs acceleration to roughly -2.49Gs deceleration! It was a very nice stress test with the J motor.
The next launch will be a 54mm 6 or 6XL grain K.
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