Likes | |
Rocket | The Hammer |
Launches | 1 |
Flight Status | Success |
Location | NEFAR |
Altitude | 4563 ft 1390.80m |
Expected | 5400 ft 1645.92m |
Velocity | 396 MPH 637.56km/h |
Weight | 16.00lb. 7.26kg |
Stage | Motor |
1 | K673-Skidmark |
The Hammer
2015-08-08 11:00:00ZStratologger
After 8 Months of work I finally got to launch my 54mm 4 inch fiberglass darkstar DD ? The Hammer
It was a great launch. It flew on a CTI K675 Skidmark to 4500 feet and everything worked perfectly It was a launch I will never forget and I cant wait to launch her again. I modified the Darkstar DD kit with a 12 inch avionics bay and a switch band. It has 2 Stratologgers CF's.