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Rocket | Timidator |
Launches | 1 |
Flight Status | Success |
Location | LaBelle, FL |
Altitude | 6778 ft 2065.93m |
Expected | 7081 ft 2158.29m |
Velocity | 551 MPH 887.11km/h |
Velocity Exp. | 663 MPH 1067.43km/h |
Gs Expected | 29.0 |
Wind Speed | 1.0MPH 1.61km/h W 270° |
Weight | 8.27lb. 3.75kg |
Stage | Motor |
1 | K1100 |
2017-04-01 11:26:00ZInsane Rocketry
timidator flight 6.csvFile
timidator 04012017.kmlDescription
K1100 is a beautiful motor & this rocket has no spin!
Great launch. Recovery 1/2 mile ENE from pad about 20 feet from road. The ground winds were near zero but above 5000 feet thet were 20-25 MPH and you can see it went straight up but even under drogue it was drifting pretty good and the east and eventually started falling straight down.
Sorry but some pics are out of focus - I am only an ammature photographer & not getting paid - haha!
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Tim I'm trying to get hat L935 from Bernie for a 'next' GRITS launch to 18 K and 1.7 Mach... I hope he has it.. That will be my ultimate flight and then I frame that rocket (or the pieces) in...
timcub on 2017-04-02 17:59:32Z wrote:
Well done on the video Tim, Absolutely sweet !!!
timcub on 2017-04-02 17:59:32Z wrote:
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