Likes | |
Rocket | Wildman Jr 2-stage |
Launches | 1 |
Flight Status | Success |
Location | NEFAR |
Altitude | 3283 ft 1000.66m |
Expected | 3800 ft 1158.24m |
Velocity | 295 MPH 474.95km/h |
Velocity Exp. | 348 MPH 560.28km/h |
Gs Expected | 15.0 |
Wind Speed | 2.0MPH 3.22km/h SE 135° |
Weight | 5.66lb. 2.57kg |
Stage | Motor |
1 | I377-18-Loki |
2 | G79-13 |
Wildman Jr 2-stage-
2017-04-23 12:20:00ZInsane Rocketry
WM jr 2stage flite 3.csvDescription
Third flight - adding drogue to booster.
Great flight, separation was perfect. Slightly longer delay in sustainer ignition than I would have liked but that will be fixed on next launch. I added a drogue to booster to slow descent but apparently it still came in hot. Sustainer recovery deployed perfectly. Both landed about 100feet apart about 200 feet SE of away cell.
1 2
Very very cool.
timcub on 2017-04-29 12:55:26Z wrote:
Wow Tim, now that is cool stuff..
esotericdude on 2017-04-29 13:14:09Z wrote:
1 2