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Rocket | RED HEAT | ||
Launches | 1 | ||
Flight Status | Success | ||
Location | Bunnell, FL | ||
Event |
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Altitude | 3681 ft 1121.97m | ||
Expected | 4400 ft 1341.12m | ||
Velocity | 347 MPH 558.67km/h | ||
Velocity Exp. | 381 MPH 613.41km/h | ||
Gs Expected | 10.3 | ||
Wind Speed | 10.0MPH 16.10km/h NW 315° | ||
Weight | 11.11lb. 5.04kg | ||
Stage | Motor | ||
1 | J450-14-DM METAL STORM |
2020-01-25 16:59:00ZInsane Rocketry


Rocket is on the bench for a December flight at the SRA field. Not so sure what the altitude and velocity will be, It's a single use DARK MATTER AEROTECH motor like a 3 grain size. Can't sim it for now, will try a same motor with approx the same newtons to get some estimated data.
Update 12/12/2019 - A few weeks ago I fried my RTX by using the gmrs radios.. Jim Amos from Missile works will sent it back ASAP so I will have it at the next SRA launch. Still need to get my rocket ready for next week.
Update 12/13/2019 - Selected a similar motor with almost the same Newtons to get a close sim on altitude and velocity. N is around 1100. (J450 DM METALSTORM - N1097).
Update 12/14/2019 - Made the charges already, Drogue 1.8 - 2.2 gams / Main 1.8 - 2.2 grams. Main chute selected - 65" spill hole - Michael West chute. Also have to make a new location loop on the chock cord for the streamer, all the way down close to the booster.
Update 12/15/2019 - Loaded the drogue charge already, on top of that dog-barf, than the streamer, really packed tight, had some shock cord wrapped around it to make the package real smaller so it glides in smoother in the booster, but still tight, Than dog-barf again on top, two z-ties made in the left over shock cord. I mill make the charge like 2 grams for the aerotech motor charge. Rocket can handle lots of charge there, has been rebuild and fortified with a sleeve.
Update 12/16/2019 - RTX came in today - Thanks Jim Amos ! Checked and working.
Update 12/17/2019 - Weather looks iffy for Saturdays launch. Low cloud cover and rain in the forecast. Also Ky and Buddy Michaelson were planned to come to the Launch after the Launch of The Boeing STARLINER @ 6.53 AM that morning. Hope the weather improves and the launch is still ago. Also some high wind ..
Update 12/20/2019 - Launch postponed to next week Saturday, Tim made a wise decision, rain and high winds and low cloud cover.
Update 12/21/2019 - Made the upper Z-ties today also. Will do some more prepping work this weekend I guess...
Update 12/23/2019 - Installed the charges, Main and drogue. And taped everything off pretty well.
Update 12/24/2019 - Stratologgers tested, Batteries were a bit low, so both are replaced now. all good.
Update 12/28/2019 - NO LAUNCH for me today !!! Weather looked iffy the days before, Low cloud-cover and some winds, so I decided not to make the 3 hrs drive ! Alex did not launched either, clouds to low ! I'm waiting for some video's or pictures from this day. My launch is moved to the SRA January launch. That is January 18th, 2020.
Update 01/18/2020 - NO LAUNCH for me again today. Have ben watching the weather all week and the wind are really strong, like 15 mph at 11 am, also some low clouds, but those winds killed it !!! Looking forward to the Bunnell launch next weekend, hope some better weather.
Update 01/20/2020 - All seems good for a Bunnell launch this coming Saturday, Winds are a bit high like 10 mph now but open skies, so I will launch, Hope it gets a bit better by the weekend. Will prep some more this week and install that single use rocket motor..
Update 01/22/2020 - Installed and assembled the Aerotech J motor - single use, today, took some pictures and video. Not much to it, all straightforward! Also charging the RTX units, and Tagg.
Update 01/24/2020 - Weather looks again better, winds are 7 mph and clear skies !! charging every thing now... Video camera, Phones, RTX Tagg.... Car loaded....and Ready..
Update 01/25/2020 - LAUNCH DAY - Clear skies all the way, But muchmore winds than predicted. Like always had a problem getting the Iphone in the 3" bay... But all working great. Streamer was in booster and RTX was in upper bay for a change, Did not fit in the booster, Tagg was in the booster ! So two GPS devices! Had to see a few launches before I launches to 4 K. All landed in the field, so that was great. I did not put any angle and went straightup. The Metal Storm was a hell of a sight and sound motor, just spectacular !!! Rocket went great in flight and came straightdown, just landed between the launch control and pads like it did before. Just impressive ! Calm day just 20 flyers or so. Tim was there also. Have to fix the window a bit and see how to get the iphone better in the bay. Used shear-pinsin the nose cone, not in booster section. All was packed tight !!! But had 5 charges in there to get deployment ! The best thing about single use motors is that there is no clean-outof any casing !! I did put some grease on the liner of that single use motor for heat purposes but I guess that has never been any issue. The motor prediction was a bit off, There was no sim in Open Rocket for that motor so I took a guess with other motors and the Newton impulse, Close but a lower result. Have video and launch data from Iphone, great, Have to work on rotation, that I did before but probably not good enough ! Great day and crowd. Also this time I had a 4K videorecorder on the ground.
Update 01/25/2020 - Thanks to Tim and Thea and Jimmy for those great pictures and video !!
Great flight & even better landing!
That Metal Storm motor was impressive.
And the best thing is, it's a single use motor, no casing clean out or so, just dump the empty motor, no dirty hands !!! What I did is I put some grease on the outside of that single use *casing*, might be good for something, like heat protecting or so...
Keisling on 2020-01-26 08:11:30Z wrote: